Finally... I have finished reading J.K. Rowling's 6th Harry Potter series book - Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince. This book was published in 2005 and I just managed to borrow from my colleague to read it before the movie to be released this year. Have to rush completing this book before 9 Jan as my colleague will be leaving our company and I need to return to her on time.
The movie will be releasing on 16 Jul and I am looking forward for it. Just feel sad about Dumbledore's death...
I have bought the 7th book - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, and will start reading it soon. Though I am a bit slow (where this book was published since 2007) but its ok for me. I take my own pace and its no hurry. ;)
Rather relaxing day for me today. My niece came to our house as usual and its fun to be with her today. Cheeky as usual and her new nickname is "Zero Zero" which sounds like "Ling Ling" (short name for Wei Ling). She used to call herself "小炜恐龙" as she is born in the year of dragon.
End of weekend and tomorrow has to go back to work...
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