Woke up at 11am today. Not because I slept a lot but because I slept late at 4am. Therefore, total no of sleeping hours was still 7. Watched Harpers Island yesterday night and that was the reason. Went out yesterday hence left only late night hours to watch the episodes. Today, will try to complete more since tomorrow I can wake up a bit late (on leave).
My little niece came to our house today. Her mood was super good. Maybe because she had finished her homework and could play the whole day. Somehow find that she is slimmer. Or because she grows taller???

We eating out today for belated Father's Day celebration. Had no idea what to eat hence decided to go over to Downtown East first. After walking around the few restaurants, we finally decided to change location to Changi Airport so that we can eat at Earl Swenson.
Very united. We ordered same dish ~ spagetti. Even my niece also ordered kids meal with spagetti. After our meal, we shared ice-cream. It has been quite a long time since we dine out together with all members attending.

Back home now and still feeling very full. Will start to watch Harper's Island now.
Received phone call from my aunt that my great grandmother had just passed away this afternoon. She was more than 100 year olds and should be a peaceful one (although we heard that she fell down quite often for the past few months).
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