Wake up rather early today as my niece will be coming over to our house. Don't want her to see me still sleeping like a pig when she arrives. I woke up at 11am and although it considers late for many people, for me who slept at 4am is consider very early liao.
Felt so good after the haircut yesterday. Just afraid my fringe will grow too fast and touch my eyes before my trip to Japan next month. Fringe fringe be good hor.... don't grow so fast...
I bought lollipop for my niece last week and today, she asked my father to buy lollipops for her when they went to the mama shop near my house. She chose apple flavor for me and strawberry for herself. This little girl, she still remember I like apple flavor as we were playing paper scissor stone just to decide who should take apple flavor last week.
While I am typing now, it rains. Hope it can cool down the temperature a bit. Rather hot this few days.
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