Tempting right?
Rather pleased that I managed to fix a few deals today. Hope I can do more sales. Although busy while trying to handle so many customers at one time, it really makes me feel happy once the deals are fixed. I used to hate doing sales but seems now I begin to get use to it. 加油吧!
Received an email from my boss who is in oversea trip. Such a small world that he said he met my ex-company boss there. They should be introducing themselves and as my ex-co boss knows which company I join after I left, he may have casually ask if my boss knows me. Was telling my younger sister and she said luckily my reputation is good. Otherwise..... ha ha ha...
Reached home around 9pm and was shocked when I see a huge banana. Took a photo of it using a tablespoon to reflect the size of the giant banana. Surprised! Though big but it is not so sweet. Heard my mum saying it is good for health that is why she bought it.
Look how huge is the banana. It is a tablespoon. Not teaspoon.
Decided to watch J-drama, Jin 仁, that is aired every Sunday. Cannot resist to watch this new one as 小珠 described some of the funny scenes to me. The first epi lasts about 1 1/2 hrs hence I need to watch it now. Otherwise cannot finish it on time for me to sleep "early". :)
Jin official website

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