Bad feeling since morning. My headache came back again and I was feeling so uncomfortable from the time I woke up. Head feeling so heavy and neck feels like going to break. Took paracetamol and hope it could kill the pain and let me feel better but till now, it is still the same.
I was lying on sofa the whole day and simply did not want to move around. My parents asked me to go out for dinner at nearby foodcourt and I rejected. They said why I so lazy but my reason was I could not convince myself to move from the sofa...
My whole day was gone due this headache and my plan to go for Christmas shopping was called off. Will take some more paracetamol before going to sleep and hope the pain will be gone tomorrow when I wake up.
Cannot sleep too late today as I need to wake up early tomorrow to attend one of our customer's launching of their new office. We are wondering why they choose Sunday but I guess it is due to auspicious day and time.
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