My sister and me went to collect our new spectacles this afternoon. Rather satisfied with my pick of this frame. First time taking this type of frame. I remembered I tested almost 20 frames and finally decided on this one.
Tonight I ate a lot. Especially crabs. Actually it was not those usual type. Maybe I should call it "Flower crabs" because the spots on the crabs were "flowerly". This type of crabs usually good for cooking soup but today's ones, they were very big size and my father steamed them. They were so meaty and I loved it. As my sister don't like this type of crabs, my father and I ate most of them. Sinful uh!
Just read Takeru's blog and found the photo he posted on his blog was rather cute. He may be too busy recently that he did not post regularly on his blog. The first episode of 『龍馬伝』was aired tonight. This will be the usual long series drama for year 2010. The other drama will be airing soon is "Bloody Monday 2" which Takeru and Haruma will be main casts. Yamapi's "Code Blue 2" coming up too. J-drama marathon starts again after a week's break. :P
Takeru's photo posted on his blog today:

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