The title for this movie had misled me which I thought it was a romance story and hence did not really read the story outline when I was checking what were the available movies to watch. Actual fact is, this movie was more on shooting scenes and we really enjoyed it. Luckily 小珠 saw the review. Otherwise, we will miss this one.
We watched the 7pm show as did not want to watch the later one which was at around 9.30pm so that we did not need to chase after the MRT trains. Ha ha... As usual, we were late again but this time round, we managed to watch one trailer before it started. Did not miss the beginning of the movie. Good good.
After the movie, we had a hard time deciding which fastfood restaurant to go. Initially, I chose McDonald but when approaching the restaurant, I decided to change it to KFC. Flicker minded me hor.
Following weeks, there are many new movies coming up. Believe we can watch "Alice in Wonderland" next week. So excited when I saw this upcoming movie "Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva". We played the NDS games and did not know there will be a movie on this. Looking forward to it and the scheduled date is 18 March 2010. I do hope it will be shown in GV VivoCity. So disappointing for previous few Japanese movies where it was shown in selected GV cinemas only. Cross my fingers.
My dinner
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