Friday, September 3, 2010

Grown Ups

Well well well. It's Friday!!!

This morning, went to our main office for training again and finished at 1pm as our trainer had to go for a farewell lunch with the rest of the Finance dept colleagues before heading to airport to catch 4pm flight.

My colleague had lunch appointment with her husband hence I went for lunch alone today. Lunched at Burgar King near Esplanade MRT and I suddenly realised that I could lunch alone. In the past, I rather don't eat lunch than to have it alone. Sign of aging??? Hope not lah!!! Scary !!!

After lunch, I made a trip to Dhoby Xchange to collect my photo book. So glad that it turns out good. :)

Our movie tonight was at 9.20pm. Met up with 小珠 around 7.40pm and we had dinner at Toastbox. Saw the laksa and would like to try it as it looked yummy on the poster. Truth enough, it was tasty.

We watched "Grown Ups" and the story was nice. It was about five friends who used to play basketball during their younger days and had a gathering after attending their coach's funeral. It was nice to see their kids finally "put away" their video games and played games that kids should enjoy. Nowadays, do not know if children know what is "five stones" etc. Games played while I was a kid tends to become a history.

The movie had funny scenes and it made us laughed. A movie that made us relax after a tired and long day.

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