The book turned out good. Next one will be for my Switzerland trip. Had been 2 months and I yet to sort out all photos. Shall do it soon.
We had lunch at Just Acia. The food taste did change a little bit but overall still ok. With Just 1 Book store going to close, not sure if there is any much chance for us to eat there again.
This evening, I finally completed my expense claim and can be submitted next week. Due to constant busy with work, I cannot have time to do the claim in office. With some free time today, I manage to do it. Finally uh...
Tonight, we watched "X-men First Class". It was super good. Plot was good and finally I knew what happened to them when they were young. Just that I actually forgot most of the stories for the first few movies and could only remember part of them vaguely. Guess I need to re-watch them again. Conclusion is : this movie is very nice and worth to watch. :)
Lunch at Just Acia
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