Woke up at 5.45am and left home at 6.45pm. Reached T2 quite early as there was no jam. Had more time to wander around to change currency and buy the gift for customer.
After completing the tasks, it was still early. Walked past Killiney cafe and decided to eat the fishball noodles. At least I need to ensure my stomach was fed before meeting customer.
To kill time, had a bowl of noodles. Very ex... $4.50 per bowl.

Had lunch with customer at Pavillion mall and we finished by 1.45pm. From 1.45pm to 3.30pm, I walked around the whole mall and bought some little items and food stuff. Not a lot. Just nice to put into my recycle bag which I brought along. I did not want to carry "sasa" bags on board plane uh. :P
To prevent jam, I left for the airport at 3.30pm. Reached there at 4.10pm. Very early! I had done check in from Singapore hence need not queue at the counter. Just went straight to clear immigration. Nothing to shop in airport hence bought a drink at The Coffee Bean and sat there reading emails. The airport wifi was so bad. No connection at all. So poor service.
Drink at The Coffee Bean

My flight supposed to depart at 6.05pm. Due to some technical fault, it was delayed till 6.45pm then took off. It was Silkair aircraft hence was a small one. Quite full and I was having a window seat. Since short time and no need to go toilet, it was ok to sit inside. When touched down in Singapore runway, the plane was like swaying and I linked it to the technical fault which the pilot mentioned earlier. So scary...
Bad maintenance of the window screen.

Reached home almost 8pm and after shower, started to clear my emails. 222 emails to clear. Managed to complete by 11pm.
Back to office tomorrow.