First day of Chinese New Year! Woke up and felt so happy this morning as today and tomorrow no need to work. But still find it too short for this year's CNY. How I wish we can enjoy one week holiday. :P
Went to my aunt's place and gathering there to play black jack with the kids. This is a yearly event where only this occasion, the kids can play the cards. My luck was not good and lost about twenty plus. Treat it as my "ang pow" for the kids.
We stayed there till 11pm and had a joke when we took the lift. My aunt's unit was at the highest floor #11 and we waited for the lift. There were about 11 of us and we tried to squeeze into the lift. Perhaps we pressed the door open button too hard until the lift cannot close the door even all of us came out of the lift thinking it might be overweight. In the end, we had to press for the other lift to get up.
The problem is, if this lift was up at this floor, the other lift would not come up from first floor. The kids went to the 10th floor to press for the lift to come up. Then, all of us rush down to 10th floor to take the lift. Strange thing happened... the "problematic lift" worked and was at the 10th floor too (one of the kid pressed 8, 9 and 10th floor so it had to stop at these floors). So some of us took this lift. My mum was so scared because she did not want to trap in the lift. We told her its ok. If trapped, we will accompany her. Hahaha.
Back home at about 11.45pm and now shall relax and watch some j dramas. :P
One angpow received today
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