Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Change look

Good news!!! I managed to sleep well last night again. I am so happy.

Woke up and mopped the floor before bathing. Since I am working late quite frequently and too tired to do the sweeping and mopping at night, I have to do it in the morning. Just a simple mopping lah. Just don't want to step on sandy and sticky floor. Spoiled by my mum who sweep and mop everyday. Cannot tahan if the floor is dirty.

NOR for leaving office was 9pm but was delayed due to my boss called my colleague to prepare some data for him. Hence delayed a little bit and left office at about 9.30pm. Reached home at about 10.30pm. My sister staying overnight today after her shopping with friend. Tonight I have accompany.

Cannot get use to the new format for blogger. It is so different from the previous version. Have to slowly get use to it lor.

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