Saturday, May 3, 2014

Haircut date

Today, 4 of us had a date.  Haircut date.  Hahaha.

Ah Fen, Pencil, Ah Cheng and I met up at Ngee Ann City after our haircut.  Had afternoon tea at Domani and the food was very good.  I felt so satisfied.

After that, we walked over to Takashimaya where I bought a pair of shoe and few of us bought the Yuzu vinegar which we tried and found to be nice.  Dared not buy the other one which is good for slimming and reduce high blood pressure.  Too "vinegar" taste liao.

Ah Fen and Ah Cheng left early.  Left Pencil and I to have dinner together.  Went to H&M for a short while and had dinner at McDonald.  We were still full so just ate nuggets and fries.  

Quite a relaxing day and we went home at 11.45pm.  :)

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