There were few scenes where we laughed non stop and I really had tears coming out from my eyes. One of the part was where Nodame cooking curry rice for her friends. Germs, die, diarrhea etc wordings coming out from the pot of curry. Another was the funny sounds coming from the musicians when Chiaki first conducted the concert when he newly joined the Le Marlet Orchestra. I could not control my laughters and kept giggling quietly even it was already the next scene.
One more was when Nodame late for attending Chiaki's important concert that will decide fate of the orchestra. She woke up looking at the alarm clock that showed 3pm. She was mumbling to herself why it was 3 o'clock a while ago before she slept and why it was still 3pm. Only after some daze, she realised she was late as the alarm clock was spoilt. She quickly woke up and rushed to the concert. She even sms Chiaki to hold back the concert as she was late. What a joker she was. When she reached the theatre, her teacher was glad that she made it on time and told her that she could remove her coat. Her answer was she could not remove as she was only wearing undergarments. She only had time to bath and no time to wear clothes inside. LOL...
The movie was 2 hours but I enjoyed from the start till the end. The musics they played were so nice. I liked the 2nd music played by Chiaki at the concert where he was the conductor plus pianist. Will try to find out the title. The movie ended a bit sad with Chiaki leaving Nodame as he meant it good her to progress further. Looking forward to the 2nd part of the movie which will be released in Spring at Japan. Hope it will be released near to same time as Japan in Singapore.
We were rushing to leave the theatre as we need to catch the last train. Therefore we missed some part after the credits. Hope we did not miss any fun parts.
Managed to catch last train last night hence need not pay extra for cab fare.
Before the movie, we had dinner at Coffe Club last night. We ordered pastas and Muddy mud pie for dessert as we still had time before the movie start. Had a relaxing evening and enjoyable night yesterday.
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