Took over new task from my colleague and hope I can cope with it. Nothing has taken out from me and this is added work to me. Still do not know why my boss always pass work to me when others cannot cope. Therefore, I tell myself to don't work "too hard" to finish my work by staying late. By completing all work nicely, it implies I can do it and more will come. No no no... My target is to go home latest by 7.30pm everyday unless there is a need for me to stay due to coverage of colleague who is on leave or due to finishing monthend reports.
I left office at around 7.20pm. Good start for the week. 加油!
Out of my 5 idols, I tend to only view Takeru's blog. Tonight, I went to all of the other 4 idol's official website and managed to find this photo from Okada's website. Quite a good one taken. I always have difficulty getting nice photos of his. Only can find his photos on magazines from Japan.
Nice ne? He looks more mature.

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