I suggested to have Dim Sum and we were deciding where to go. Initially thought of Fortunate Restaurant (幸福饮茶) at Orchard but we decided on East Ocean Teochew restaurant at Shaw House. It had been quite some time since we dine there.
When we reached the restaurant, it was rather packed. We managed to get a table for three of us. As it had been a long time that we never been here, we were wondering why there was no menu given to us. Only after a while then we realised that the Dim Sum will be brought out by the waiter/waitress after they were ready. They would indicate what the dishes available and we just need to call them to serve us. Really Hong Kong style.
We ordered quite a number of dishes and agreed that the food was nice and not so salty. Will come again next time. It was a bit expensive but considering the quality of food, it was still worth it to dine there. Bill total up to be $90.
After lunch, we went to Isetan Scotts basement and bought some Japanese food items. Walked over to Isetan Wisma and ended up buying 2 pairs of Americaya shoes. It was only today that I knew that this is a Japanese brand. The brand name misled me to think that it is an American brand. Ha ha...
Not only the shoes, I bought a blouse at Esprit. My sister has the discount card and both of us bought 1 each. She was luckier as hers was a sale item so it costs half of my blouse's price. We walked towards Takashimaya but there was nothing much for us to see or buy. My sister wanted to buy an iphone leather casing and we decided to go to Paragon to see if there was any nice ones. Was waiting at the traffic light and something caught our eyes. Took a photo with my phone. Did not manage to zoom nearer but still can see quite clearly.
We did not find any nice phone casing and took a bus to Dhoby Ghaut. I managed to remember that I could collect my photo book there since it was on the way. Collected it and was glad that it turns out good again. I love the printings.
I suggested to my sister to go to the 4th level shop that sells a lot of headphones, accessories and gadgets. She finally found one that she likes and bought it immediately. The colour she chose was the last piece. Lucky lucky.
After buying the phone casing, we took train to Serangoon station and bought dinner before taking a cab home. As we were still quite full, we bought a packet of hor fun, fried rice and 2 crabs to share among 4 of us.
Enjoyed the dinner at home with my dad. He was waiting for us to buy dinner for him. :P
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