In fact, I found it "accidentally". Was trying to find "Koshonin SP" which 小珠 said that it was all along in *** website but I was so blurred that did not find it. Finally found it today and watched it. Was searching for other shows after finishing "Koshonin SP" and happened to find the movie I was looking for.
This was actually lumped together with "ごくせん Season 3" and I did not know that it was there all along. Was so glad that I managed to watch it. It's just that there was SP before this movie which I still cannot find it. There were so many familiar faces in the movie. It was a gathering for all Kumiko's students. I enjoyed the two movies watched this evening. What a wonderful evening for me. Shall look out for "Koshonin : The Movie" that was released in Feb 2010. :P
Today is holiday and so happy that no need to go to work. But still need to handle some work at home. Still have 2 more days to enjoy before my nightmare week. Next week my 2 colleagues are not around and I will be super the busy. Hope everything will go well...
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