The day arrives after waiting for 5 days. :)
This was the very first time where I was ready to leave office earlier to catch a movie. Usually, I would be rushing for work and caused delays in leaving office which resulted in no time to have dinner or to be super late for the movie. Our colleague gave us a lift to VivoCity and that saved us some time.
We had dinner at Food Republic and was on time to get to the theater at 8.25pm. For past movies, the show started with 10mins of commercial advertisements and trailers. We were worried that we missed the beginning part of the movie hence ensure we got in on time. However, today the advertisements and trailers took 20mins. We were so afraid that it will drag and cause us to miss our last train. Luckily the movie ended early at 11.15pm.
"Transformers : Dark of the Moon" should be the last movie for the series. The ending was good that wrapped up the story. We had good seats tonight and enjoyed it. Although we found some scenes were quite funny and not logical. But... it's just a movie lah... :)
Great night and I don't want to sleep so early.
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