Before I woke up to get feedback from my customer, my mobile phone range at 9.15am. I thought it was my customer but it turned out to be from dental clinic reminding me of my appointment on Monday morning. Ai yah... need to call me so early meh....
In the end, I did not close the deal as it was postponed. I went back to bed but did not sleep lah. Just lazed for another 2 hours and finally got out of the bed at 11pm. That was my usual time to wake up on Saturday. Haha...
Watched quite a few J-dramas today and all were the last episodes. The spring season dramas came to an end and from next week onwards, new dramas will start to air. Looking forward to another round of J-dramas craze. Spring list gets shorter and the Summer list is so long. I have 14 of them uh. Must ensure I can get out of office early daily in order to be able to catch up. Maybe this is the drive for me to go home earlier. ;P
I've watched the Spring 2011 special drama "最後の晩餐 〜刑事・遠野一行と7人の容疑者〜" and was so happy to see my idol who will be one of the cast in the drama airing soon. Haruma is the only one that I can see in the new drama for this season. The other 4 idols have nothing.

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