Today's weather is very good. Rained in the afternoon which makes the day cozy. Stayed indoor watching TV and surfing net. Managed to watch Crows Zero again. Watched part of it last weekend and found it to be too noisy and all about fighting hence stopped watching halfway through. However, cannot get over it that why the reviews are so good and decided to watch it all over again.
After watching the whole movie, am glad that I "didn't give up" this one and watched it. Story is really not bad. I really liked the friendship among those guys. They expressed their "friendship" by fighting. Joined forces to achieve their goal. Shun Oguri really changed his usual "美男子" look and becomes a very "man" guy. Though I don't really like his this look but it fits the character he is acting. Can't resist and continued to watch Crows Zero II. Haruma Miura acts a small part in this movie but seems like possibility of getting him acts in Crows Zero III (if there is) is very high. He will be the next leader of the Hosen gang (风仙). Looking forward to his figher's look.
So happy that I have 2 more days to rest. How I wish we can just work 4 days a week and get 3 days rest. I must be dreaming uh...
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