The day started very slowly. I thought I was the only one but received a MSN from 小珠 that she was falling asleep. Ha ha... found someone sharing same mood as me! Both of us were counting down time and hope we could go back home. During lunch time, we talked about J-drama "Buzzer Beat". There are 3 more epi and really wish to know the ending. We are wondering which is the next J-drama we should watch. My intention is to watch 诈欺猎人,Kurosagi (The Black Swindle) ,which main cast is Yamapi. This drama aired in Japan in 2006. Quite long ago show.
I really started watching it when I reached home today. Rarely for me to be home before 8.30pm. I did it today. So happy that it lefts me with more time to do my stuff. Just completed epi 3. Yamapi looks so young (and face a bit rounded) in this show and I like some of his funny & cute actions. The opening theme song is also sang by him. Have to stop at this epi. Otherwise, I will have trouble tomorrow when I looked tired again. Shall see newspaper now before going to sleep.
おやすみなさい :)
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