Yesterday, one of my colleague 雪人 came to office with anger. She went for hair rebonding costing her $248 but the outcome was terrible for her. After she washed her hair 2 days later after the hairdo, her hair becomes frizzy and curly. Do not look like she has just done rebonding.
She lost hope on the hair salon (reputable one) and does not want to spoil her hair anymore when she was offered with a re-do of the rebonding. Therefore asked few of us on how she should get the refund from the salon. We gave her many suggestions and told her not to be too soft when talking to the manager. She kind of afraid she cannot be too firm hence trying to take note of whatever we told her.
One of my colleague mentioned that her hair looked like one of the Harry Potter's character and the first thing that striked my head made me throw out " Dumbledore". All of us laughed and actually my colleague wanted to say " Hermoine". Ha ha.... Another of my colleague said that her hair looked like Dumbledore when she paid $248. If she took the cheaper one at $100 plus, her hair will turn out to be like Hagrid. This made all of us laughed and laughed. Poor girl, we had made ourselves so happy at her mishap. :P
During today's lunch, we were talking about one of our colleague's wedding next month. Do not know how it got started but 雪人 started to mention about Harry Potter again. She told my colleague that he can make his wedding dinner theme as Harry Potter setup. She can be the MC as her hair looked like Dumbledore (he always gave a speech before the meals). She can lead the newly wed couple by holding a lamp as she can pose as Hagrid to lead them on the red carpet, while playing Harry Potter theme song. She can act like Hermoine too as her hair looks like hers. The wedding dinner table will not be the traditional round one but long tables like what the 3 houses in Harry Potter took their meals. With a "tink", all food will be appeared without waiters and waitresses bringing them out... and it went on and on...
We laughed and laughed while she happily became high and carry on her dream talk. Such an enjoyable lunch today. I was already very full after taking my lunch. With the jokes, I was even more full and my jaws were so pain until cannot laugh anymore.
She really funny and can make people laugh. This ease our tension and can feel more relax. :)
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