My friend msn me this afternoon asking if I have the cd for the Taiwan drama 今生注定我爱你. Her daughter likes the ending theme song and she needs to find it. She is lucky. I have the mp3 for the song she wants and I can transfer the file to her tomorrow.
I did not know that epi 9 for Buzzer Beat is already available yesterday until 小珠 asked if I have watched it. So eager to be home to watch the new epi. Just finished watching and 菜月 really so bad. Poor 莉子. She is so naive as to listen to what 菜月had told her and that caused misunderstanding between her and 直輝. So keen to know what happen next. Last 2 epi to go. Have to wait patiently for next week broadcast. Nice drama and nice songs. Managed to get the Ost from 小珠 and I like most of them. When listening to the songs, I can still have images of the scenes I had watched earlier. So nice...
Shall now upload some of them to my mobile phone as ring tones. :)
Click here to Buzzer Beat official website
Yamapi's uniform no 8
Place where Riko met Naoki
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