Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Normal work day

Its normal work day for me.  Time occupied by doing misc filing of my emails, creating spreadsheets for easy reference and complete last batch of order entering which left outstanding since last week.

Morning had first session of Induction program for new staff.  Next 2 days have another 2 session each day.  

So tired... At least today went home earlier at 8.45pm.  Hope tomorrow can be earlier provided video conference at 6pm will not dragged for long.  I need to sweep/mop floor tomorrow.

My dad index finger being treated yesterday.  My sister said it was done only at around 2 - 3am.  I spot checked on my dad this afternoon to ensure he was at home and not working.

Received new mobile phone for office use today.  Chose Samsung S4.  Now need to familiarize with the new toy.  Seems quite different from my google phone lei.

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