Friday, June 28, 2013

Ship visit

This morning, woke up a bit earlier as need to reach Pandan Road shipyard by 9.45am.  Decided to take train to HarbourFront and took a cab from there.  This was to avoid the possible peak hour jam at CTE.  I reached there at 9.45am but only 2 other colleagues there on time as me.  The rest were all late uh.  Last to arrive was Ah Huang at 10.10am!

Early also no use.  It started to rain rather heavily and we had to wait till it stopped.  The height of the ship we were visiting was about 8m high.  The gangway was 45 deg and it was very slippery.  There was no steps and just a piece of straight walkway.  It was ok to climb up slowly but if it was still wet, walking down will be a challenge.  Both ways need arm strength to balance ourselves.  In the end, I decided not to climb up.  I was feeling tired and sleepy.  Did not want to pose danger to myself as I had no confidence that I can maintain in high concentration while climbing up and down.  Shall go another time if there is a chance.

Watched movie "World War Z" this evening.  We were late for the show.  Show time was 7.30pm and we entered the theater at around 7.50pm.  Hope we just missed 5 - 10mins with the commercial advertisement that usually last 20 mins.

The story line was quite good and realistic.  At least it did not show that in the end, the virus got all cleared.  Some scenes were really scary and I even tried to close my eyes.  Hahaha.

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