Friday, June 21, 2013

Some improvement

This morning, the haze was still very bad when I went to office.  From our building, Suntec and Gateway buildings all disappeared.  That implied that the haze was so thick that we could not view the buildings.  Not to say Singapore Flyer.  It has been disappearing for a long time liao.

Had lunch at House of Peranakan restaurant.  It was a very small and traditional set up restaurant.  It was recommended by my colleague who always dine there since young.  Enjoyed the food as most of their signature dishes were handmade (otah & prawn roll were good).  Fat fat again liao.

Back in office and during evening time, finally we could see those buildings lighting.  Singapore flyer lighting were visible too.  There was improvement in the PSI liao.

I am lucky today that my colleague could send me home again.  At least I did not have to breathe in the polluted air.  :)

Will turn on air-con tonight.  For past few nights, I slept without turning the air-con on as I did not want to have the hot hot feeling when out from air-con room.  However, my colleague said it is better to sleep with air-con on in such bad air environment.  I am considering buying air purifier.  Even no haze also can use.  Shall look for one.

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