Friday, October 15, 2010

Scary and disgusting

Just back home after watching movie "Piranha". Not bad but we were scared by some of the scenes. The sudden appearance of certain movements and sound effects made us becoming scary. The bloody and gross body parts after the Piranha's attach were so disgusting.

The whole show was not boring at all and we were really scared at the last scene of the movie. A man was asking where were the bigger fish and the next moment, a big in size piranha came out of the water and ate him up. End of the show...

We enjoyed the movie but did not want to recall the scenes as they were really disgusting. Especially we were going for dinner right after the movie.

As 小珠 had a $10 Haagen Dazs voucher which was expiring soon, we decided to just have ice-cream for tonight's dinner. After glancing through the menu, I suggested to order the Fondue and we enjoyed it. The funny part was we forgot to stir the chocolate and just dipped the ice-cream, fruits and cookies on the surface of the chocolate sauce. Only when we were finishing the fruits etc, we realised we should stir it so that the sauce will be warmed. Haha...

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